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We need YOUR LIGHT at Zion

With deep appreciation in advance for your support. Boundless thanks to you for dreaming with Zion, for strengthening our community, and for your inspired and dedicated partnership.


To support the Zion Community and our work in Jerusalem, please choose one of the following 501(c)(3) conduits.  Clearly mark Zion-Jerusalem to ensure that your generous donation reaches us, and please note that it takes up to eight weeks for us to receive your donation in Jerusalem.


Together, we will continue to build a Jerusalem of shared faith and hope.

For Israeli members, please see our Hebrew membership page here

Donations can be processed in the following currencies: USD, CAD, GBP

Or write a check to KBY

Memo: Kehilat Zion - Jerusalem

and mail to:

KBY Congregations Together

c/o Jeff Macklis, Director

P.O Box 23170

Brooklyn, NY 11202

Or write a check to The Masorti Foundation

Memo: Kehilat Zion - Jerusalem

and mail to:

The Masorti Foundation

475 Riverside Drive

Suite 832

New York, NY 10115

if you need any assistance or have any questions

Write to Itzik Pashkus

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